Prepare to get by for at least a week on what you have at home.
Ask your healthcare provider for a prescription for an extra supply of your regular drugs. Keep health supplies and non prescription drugs on hand.
Staying at home from work when you are sick is the most important thing you can do to protect others.
Ask your employer or union about sick leave and policies about absences, time off, and telecommuting.
Every business, organization and agency should have a plan for making sure essential work can get done if large numbers of employees are absent over may months. You may be asked to perform duties that are not typically part of your job.
Find ways to reduce personal contact, such as increased use of emails or phone conferences. Plan to work from home whenever possible.
Talk with family, friends, and neighbors to make sure everyone is prepared. Be ready to help neighbors who are elderly or have special needs if services they depend on are not available.
Know policies about illness and being absent. Be prepared for school closures.
Assist with planning for emergency response to disasters and pandemic influenza.
Information on this page has been provided by Public Health - Seattle & King County.