Parents as Teachers
"How do you help your children learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential?"
How can Parents as Teachers help me?
Parents as teachers is a National Evidence-Based home visitation program implemented through Southeastern Idaho Public Health designed to help you understand child development and connect you to the resources you need to make the best choices for you and your family.
Parents as Teachers offers FREE personal visits customized for the needs of your family.
We believe that parents are their child’s first and most influential teachers.
Together on each visit we will:
- Look at your child’s development and talk about the parenting challenges you face right now.
- Think about family dynamics impacting your child’s development.
- Build strong protective factors to keep you, your child and your family healthy, strong and resilient.
How does the program work?
- You set the agenda for each personal visit. Your parent educator is there to provide well-researched information to help you make good parenting decisions and to provide concrete support for you in times of need.
- Group connections also link you to other parents so you can learn and support each other.
- Regular Screenings will make sure your child is healthy, safe, and developing on track.
- Your parent educator will help connect you with community resources valuable to you and your family.
Parents as Teachers children are healthy, safe and ready to learn!
- They’re healthier
- They score higher on kindergarten readiness tests
- They’re better problem solvers
- They’re more advanced in language and social development
Who is eligible?
The Parents As Teachers program serves:
- Expecting families
- Families with children 0-5 years of age.
- Families that reside in the counties Southeastern Idaho Public Health serves: Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Butte, Caribou, Franklin, Oneida and Power Counties.