Environmental Health

Child Care
Child Care

Environmental Health Specialists conduct health and safety inspections for licensed childcare facilities including those that are participating in the Idaho Child Care Program (ICCP).

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Drinking Water
Drinking Water

Environmental Health Specialists provide technical assistance and monitoring oversight for small public drinking water systems per a contract with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.

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Food Safety
Food Safety

Environmental Health Specialists regulate and inspect food establishments, mobile trucks, temporary vendors, and food processing establishments to ensure safe food handling and sanitation.

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Land Development
Land Development

Southeastern Idaho Public Health works in cooperation with the Idaho Department of Envionrmental Quality to ensure platted subdivisions meet sanitary restrictions and requirements.

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Air Pollutants
Air Pollutants

Southeastern Idaho Public Health (SIPH) acts as a clearinghouse for information and provides technical assistance related to mold or other indoor air quality contaminants (e.g. formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, radon, asbestos, etc.).

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Environmental Health Specialits regulate and inspect public swimming facilities and provide technical support and public outreach to the community regarding water illnesses and other concerns.

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How to Find Out if You Have a Problem with Radiation from Slag.

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Septic Systems
Septic Systems

Environmental Health Specialists regulate and inspect subsurface sewage disposal systems for both resiential and non-residential usuage.

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A disease that is transmitted to humans or other animals by an insect or other arthropod is called a vector borne disease. In Idaho, the vectors of most concern are mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.

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