Southeast Idaho Area Health Education Centers (AHEC)

Southeast Idaho Area Health Education Centers (AHEC)

Welcome to Southeast Idaho AHEC! Established in 2017, we proudly stand as one of Idaho’s three Area Health Education Centers (AHEC).

Our mission? To empower healthcare professionals, enhance education, and transform communities. Joining a national network of 300 AHEC’s, we collaborate to recruit, train, and retain professionals who serve rural and underserved areas.

Passionate about increasing access to primary care services, we enrich the educational journey of health professions students and professionals right here in Southeast Idaho. Whether you’re a student or a seasoned practitioner, our programs foster growth, collaboration, and excellence. Join us in shaping the future of healthcare!

Service Area

Southeast Idaho Area Health Education Centers Service Area

Southeast Idaho AHEC serves 22 counties in the southeastern part of the state. Our boundaries are based on Idaho Public Health Districts 5, 6, and 7 and are reflected in the orange-colored portion of our logo.

The two other Idaho AHECs, Southwest and Northern, are reflected in the green portions of our logo.

Together, Idaho AHECs collaborate to improve health care access and health professional retention across the state.

This project is/was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U7746221, for the Idaho Area Health Education (Idaho AHEC) Program Office and its three regional Centers in the total amount of $432,750.00 for the 2022-2023 fiscal year (with a 1:1 total match of $432,750.00 from non-federally funded governmental sources). This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.

Our Mission

"Every day, in every way, empowering & improving health!"